True Nature Travels Blog

We want to start by wishing everyone a wonderful Happy New Year from all of us at True Nature Education. New Years always brings the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. We just completed our best year yet at TNE and look forward to an incredible 2013!

Just in time to wrap up 2012 we completed our Costa Rica Tikkun Olam and Adventure Program. With the auspicious timing of this program ending on NYE, it was fitting that it turned out to be one of our most special programs to date. Throughout the week the group had a very unique, caring, and collaborative energy which continued to grow to the end.

In addition, this group being from Asheville, where TNE is based, had an added element of meaningful connection, knowing that not only will the group get to continue to grow together when they return, but we at TNE can also grow with them back at home in the US.

The final day of the trip had us waking up to a warm and sunny morning at Finca Luna Nueva Lodge. Following yoga we gathered together with Ishmael, our naturalist guide, and headed to our reforestation project.

The Rabbi shared some poignant words about the relevance and importance of planting trees in the Jewish tradition, and with that said we headed out with our trees and began our planting.

Once again one of TNE’s groups took part in the expansion of the explanding corridor of the Children’s Eternal Rainforest. The group planted the trees with such mindfulness and care, a reflection of the group itself, with some making special dedications to friends and family with the plantings.

Following the project we headed back to Luna Nueva one more time to prepare for our departure. Leaving the farm for the final time, we made one final stop at the San Rafael School. The children met our shuttle with smiles, taking our hands and following them into their classroom. Together we took part in a very special time of connection, sharing, and celebration for our time in Costa Rica and in the village. The activity culminated in our offering of the school supplies (altogether they weighed 60 pounds!) which the group brought from the US and which we carried all week with us. 🙂 We shared in waives, smiles, and a big “a dios” as we drove down the road for the final stage of our journey.

Our final night back at the Orchideas Inn, we sat around the same table, as we did the first night, sharing appreciation for one another, stories, and setting intentions for how we plan to bring this energy back home. The group flew into the sunset yesterday arriving home just in time to bring in the New Year with family.

We want to thank everyone from our group from North Carolina, New York, and California. We have coined the group the first cohort of The Costa Rica Toucan Alum’s.

Wishing everyone the best from TNE!