True Nature Travels Blog

The Art of Resting

“We have to relearn the art of resting. Make some time each day to practice deep relaxation.”
― Thich Nhat Hanh

Yoga has taught me the art of resting and relaxing. I didn’t know how much I needed it until the shift came while lying in shavasana and finally I was able to enjoy resting, dwelling in the present movement, breathing, and feeling my body. What a delight to shift from thinking into being!

I delight in the words of Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh who is able to convey deep wisdom in the simplest way. His words offer me comfort, solace, and inspiration to slow down, feel my breathe, and bring my mind into the present moment. His words are so true- as modern people we need to relearn the art of resting and this comes from practicing daily.

Relaxation can be so pleasant and rejuvenating and yet, when we need it the most, we resist it. “I can’t rest, I’ve got too much to do” is often what I think when I am busy. Resting during busy times can make the difference between completing a task mindfully, with our full attention, or getting things done with our minds racing into the future and missing out on the wonders of the present moment.

Whether you are caught up in the hamster wheel of busy–ness, provoked into despair by the state of the world, stressed out by the numerous demands of modern life or simply tired, the answer is to rest, relax, and breathe.

Here’s a short 15 minute guided relaxation for those moments when all you have the energy to do is to lie down, breathe, and rest -

Blog By: Farah Moolji Nazarali, Yoga Instructor and Conflict Mediator

Experience the magic of retreat where you will find a reawakening of your awe and admiration for Mother Earth, rekindling the spark of wonder that lies within us all. Join Farah, and uncover the transformative power of gratitude, as we together, embark on this journey of self-discovery and profound appreciation.
Re-Awaken Wonder with Farah