True Nature Education Inc. is an Educational Travel Company which provides full service in the planning, support, and guidance of a diverse catalog of international trips each year. We believe in the power of experiential travel abroad and the multitude of affects it has on ones growth. We have hosted thousands of participants and have been honored to share in the life-changing experiences of our guests. It is True Nature’s goal to strive to meet the needs of our guests and to be of support from the time you first contact us, to the time you land at your destination, and until you return home from your journey.

True Nature holds a unique presence in the travel learning industry for various reasons:

Holistic Approach: True Nature knows that there are various ways in which we can travel. In a time where money is tight, time is precious, and our education is priceless, we provide a hoslistic experience which inspires and challenges our participants. Whether it is doing yoga during sunrise, sweating side by side a local villager while rennovating a school, or sitting by candlelight and sharing the meaning of your own “True Nature”, we strive to create an enriching and full experience.

Authentic Travel: The world is changing quickly. When traveling we strive to give our guests an authentic global experience. When you travel we strive to immerse you in the culture of the country you are visiting. This starts with your accommodations, your food, and your opportunity to interact with the local community. Our goal is for you to become an Authentic True Nature Global Explorer.

Our Emphasis on Geotourism: Most people are familiar with the term eco-tourism which has been widely-used over the past decade. It is hard to believe that some hotels that soley recycle can call themselves a supporter of ecotourism. True Nature provides an emphasis on Geotourism. Geotourism, is “best practice” tourism that sustains, or even enhances, the geographical character of a place, such as its culture, environment, heritage, and the well-bring of the residents. All of True Nature’s programs carry a “service” component where we have the opportunity to first-hand support geo-tourism. Each program also has a geotourism report which details how the program is contributing to the region in which we are visiting.

Who We Are

True Nature Education sprouted out of the True Nature Community, which was co-founded by Joshua and Luna Canter in 2003. The community, based in the village of La Florida, Costa Rica, was based on 30 acres overlooking the pacific ocean. For 5 years True Nature’s Education Programs were based on the land in the community before expanding throughout Costa Rica.

During this period of time, Joshua and Luna, also co-founded the CREER Service Organization. CREER, which means “to believe” in Spanish, was an offering of gratitude  for the incredible support, generosity, and hospitality that the native Costa Rican’s provided upon out arrival into the county and into their village.

Community, Education, and Service have been at the core of True Nature’s values since its inception and continue to be the driving force of our operation.


True Nature Co-Founders Joshua and Luna Canter and their Daughter Jaya